Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mars and Venus Collide in a Minivan

I've been with my family in Springfield the last two days for our annual Baptist state meeting. Anyone who has driven across Illinois this time of year knows that most country roads lead to Springfield, and they all make boring drives. I'm sure at other times of the year, when the corn is high and green, it could be quite pretty, but considering most of the fields have been cut flat (real farming terminology in my world), it all just looks kind of vast and brown and blah.

So, today we were driving home on some country road approaching another tiny berg of a town near Amish country. Abigail was asleep in her carseat, and Paul and I were quiet up front as we stared out the windows.

My mind started wandering, or racing, as it often does in the quiet of thoughts such as, We have things going on almost every weekend between now and 2010. I really need to get the baby's room painted, so we really need to get the office junk moved out of that room. In all reality, I'm almost in my third trimester, and it will fly by. I mean, it feels like it was just August. There is so much to do. So much, so much, so much.....

Then Paul spoke up, and I once again had a glimpse of how not similar our quiet time thoughts are.
"Do you know what I just realized?" he asked, as he looked out the driver's window onto a vast, empty field.

"What?" I asked back, jarring my thoughts of to-do lists back toward today.

"If Spider-man lived in the country, he really wouldn't be able to use his abilities. I mean, look at these fields. There would be nothing for him to climb like there would in the city. He really couldn't live out here."

I stared at him blankly. "Do you know what I just realized?"
Then I stopped myself before I said something that might hurt the head of a man who still sometimes thinks like an eight-year-old.


Anonymous said...

LOL! I can SO hear this from you two.
'love you all!


MamaS said...

Maybe HE KNEW what YOU were thinking of getting done in a short time, sooooo he short circuited that thinking really fast!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! ~Alison

Stacey said...

Hilarious! Silly boys.