Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Recap

Wow, I feel like absolutely nothing of significance has happened in the last few days. Yet, I really feel like writing a blog, so I'm sure this will be, like, incredibly interesting for you to read. Here are just a few minor thoughts/happenings over the last few days.

1. After staying in the house for almost five days straight, on Friday the whole family ventured out into the big town of Terre Haute. It was great to see real, live people, and ride in a real, live car.

2. A couple who is planting a college church and working with Baptist Collegiate Ministry at Illinois State spoke at our church last night. I liked them both very much. They had great ideas about house churches, and sparked things in me of thoughts on church and campus ministry. Our church is supporting them in their church plant, and I really hope to spend more time with them in the future.

3. I've gotten through my first week of the Beth Moore devotional study of John (the Disciple, not the book). It has raised some great thoughts to me of how God works in my life as opposed to a new believer or a non-believer. I have really loved it so far, as well as staying on track every day. It has made me think a lot about God's mercies being new every morning, and for that, wow, I am thankful.

4. I found out another friend of mine is pregnant. Trying not to have a bad attitude, but I am starting to feel like I am on a cruel version of candid camera. I am happy for all of these friends....really, I am. Just kind of wallowing for me. Need to stop doing that.....

5. Watched Abigail do her own laundry a couple days ago. Really, she did. And she loved it. She and Paul carried the laundry in, she threw it in the washing machine, she did kind of a hook shot with the detergent, and then proceeded to help Paul fold a load. Now she keeps asking if she can do some laundry. My reply is, why yes. Yes, you can.

6. I've been drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day. At first I spent about every 15 minutes running to the bathroom, but that has started to level out. And I think I might actually like water for the first time in my life.

7. I've heard Paul preached an excellent sermon yesterday, and that God really moved in the service. I was helping out in the 4s and 5s class, so I missed it. :( I'm hoping to hear the sermon on cd soon. He also has a website with his sermons uploaded and it's free, so if any of you want to hear them, just let me know!

I guess that is about all of the eventful things over the last few days. It was a nice, slow weekend, which I guess we haven't really had in a while. I kind of feel like there must be something exciting somewhere, though, that I am missing out on. Please let me know where and when that is. Then my blogs might be a little more exciting or thought-provoking. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you had quite a bit to say after all!

If Abigail is running out of laundry to do at your house, I'd be more than happy to let her do some at mine. I'm just thinking of Abigail - really!
E :)